Pay over time with Affirm. Spread the cost of a purchase into easy monthly payments. Just select Affirm at checkout, or go through the prequalification process linked below. 0% APR or 10-36% APR, just enter a few details to get an instant decision and complete your purchase.
Select Affirm at checkoutAffirm (formerly known as PayBright) is one of America’s leading installment payment platform, providing shoppers with buy now, pay later solutions at their favorite retailers, both in-store and online. By selecting Affirm as a payment method, customers can enjoy their purchase immediately, while spreading their payments over time.
Affirm will automatically debit/charge monthly payments using your preferred payment method. Available payment methods may vary depending on the payment plan selected.
Your rate will be 0% APR or 10-36% APR based on credit, and is subject to an eligibility check. Payment options through Affirm are provided by these lending partners: Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required.